By Charity Handley
In March 2024, Wilson Signs and Graphics opened its doors. We have since produced signs for many of our neighbors. Everyday we strive to provide the highest quality to our clients, no matter how many times we have to reprint to get it right.
Our store is located in beautiful Downtown Wilson, NC. Everyday as I walk to and from my car, I am in awe of the historic buildings and landscape. And we are blessed to be near so many other awesome businesses down here.
We advertise that we have fast service, quality products and close connections to our community...but that is only the tip of the iceberg.
To accomplish the fast service we advertise, we employ something called Ergonomics. Ergonomics is the act of making a process more efficient. In college, I took a class that touched on Ergonomics and found that by looking at every step, even if it seems an unnecessary step, and finding a quicker way, we can cut the process time to a fraction of what it was before. We are always going over our processes with a fine-toothed comb in order to improve them.
Similarly, with our promise of quality, rather than reviewing our product at the end of the process, we examine the quality throughout every stage of the process. This ensures that the customer receives the highest quality product possible.
Lastly, our connections to our community is something we strive for because Wilson Signs and Graphics believes business has a higher purpose than to make money (although that is a plus side). Local businesses are tasked with bettering the community through charitable giving, whether of time or monetary. Not only that, but local mindsets are funneled down from the local businesses. Our actions as business owners should set examples and bleed into our community. We have the ability and responsibility to change the wrongs we see in our community.
If you have gotten this far in this blog post, I congratulate you and thank you for taking the time to learn more about our business. Stay tuned for more posts. Peace out!